Year 2 students will participate in a range of engaging and challenging learning activities.
In the area of Reading, students will be exploring the following comprehension strategies to assist with their understanding of texts; making connections, summarising, inferring, synthesising, visualising, questioning and predicting. They will also practise demonstrating their literal reading comprehension through completing activities and responding to text questions. Students will continue to develop their ability to select appropriate 'just right' books and demonstrate reading comprehension by responding to the text in their reading books.
During Writing lessons, students will focus on text forms and features including the use of nouns, verbs and adjectives in text. Students will build on their understanding of the structure and intention of procedural texts and will work on how to plan narratives effectively, including beginning their stories with a sizzling start. Year 2 students will also focus on the features and structures of recount texts, information reports, poetry and expositions. Students will be encouraged to correctly use basic punctuation in their written pieces, such as full stops, commas, question marks, exclamation marks and capital letters. They will also develop their knowledge of spelling rules through our MSL program. Students will practise their speaking and presenting skills by participating in a variety of oral presentations throughout the year.
In the area of Mathematics, Year 2 students will focus on representing and ordering numbers up to 1000, as well as skip counting to and from 100. They will also expand their knowledge of addition and subtraction with a focus on using a range of strategies such as, doubles, friends of 10, counting on, partitioning and rearranging parts. They will work on recognising and interpreting common uses of halves, quarters and eighths of shapes and collections. Students will explore measurement through length and mass, as well as look at the concept of time, telling the time, using a calendar, and creating a daily timetable. They will build their skills to create and interpret data displays and identify events based on the language of chance.
In Year 2, students will also participate in the following programs: